Monday - Friday (08 am - 07 pm)
Silverstar Care Pty LtdSilverstar Care Pty LtdSilverstar Care Pty Ltd
1800 957 955
13/10 Craigieburn Road, Craigieburn Plaza, VIC 3064, Australia

Daily tips for good mental health

If we said to you “let’s improve your mental health, starting today”, it might sound like a big undertaking. A long process filled with a lot of time, effort, and commitment.

But it can be easier than you think. Research has shown us that there are little things that we can all do every day to help boost and maintain our mental health. Together, it’s these little changes that can add up to big results for your wellbeing.

Now it’s the perfect opportunity to try incorporating these steps into your daily routine and start feeling the benefits.

Sleep well – You’ve probably heard a lot of talk about sleep and our health. And the hype is all true. A lack of sleep, or poor-quality sleep, can have a serious impact on your physical and mental wellness. Not only can it increase your chance of getting heart disease and diabetes, but poor sleep patterns can also lead to anxiety and depression.To get a better night’s sleep and improve your health, here are some tips we recommend.

  • Try and stick to a consistent sleep pattern (i.e. have consistent bedtimes and wake up times).
  • Aim for 8 hours of sleep each night.
  • Try and avoid daytime napping as this can interfere with your sleep at night. If you do need to nap, limit it to 30 minutes.
  • Switch off your screens before bed. The blue light emitted by our devices can disrupt our body’s sleep rhythm.
  • Replace pre-bedtime screen scrolling with calming activities like taking a warm bath or listening to relaxing music.
  • Avoid big, heavy meals right before bedtime as well as nicotine, caffeine and alcohol.
  • Make your bedroom a comfortable, restful place that promotes sleep (i.e. ensure the room gets sufficiently dark and blocks out light, and that its temperature controlled)

Make time for you – We know that life can get busy. Work, family and competing priorities can leave us feeling overrun and burned out. While it might take some crafty scheduling in the diary, make sure you book in some regular ‘me time’.What brings you joy? What makes you feel happy? What make you feel relaxed? It doesn’t have to be fancy or extravagant. Whatever makes you feel good, make time to do it!

Connect with others – When it comes to our levels of social activity, everyone is different. Some people are extroverts, some introverts, and others are somewhere in between. But as humans, we all need some level of social interaction. Connection with others, whether that be with family, friends, fur friends or the community, is vital for your mental wellbeing at any age. Developing meaningful connections and healthy relationships can raise your self-esteem and lower levels of anxiety and depression.

We understand that prolonged periods of lockdown and the ongoing uncertainty of the pandemic have made it harder than ever to connect with others. Many of us have felt the impact of social isolation and loneliness. If you are still being impacted by these events, make a habit of rescheduling in regular Zoom catch ups and phone calls with your loved ones.