Monday - Friday (08 am - 07 pm)
Silverstar Care Pty LtdSilverstar Care Pty LtdSilverstar Care Pty Ltd
1800 957 955
13/10 Craigieburn Road, Craigieburn Plaza, VIC 3064, Australia




The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is designed to empower people with disability to work towards their goals, to identify the disability related support they need to meet their
goals, and to choose where they would like to buy their supports.
The NDIS changes the way that disability services are delivered in Australia. It recognises that disability related support is an  entitlement, and means you have a choice of service providers in an open market– it gives you more choice and control.

NDIS supports are funded to:

1. help a person to reach their goals

2. enable participation in the community (social and economic), and 

3. increase a person’s independence. 

If you enter the NDIS, you will go through a planning process with a NDIS representative, to develop your individual NDIS plan and determine the funding you will receive.

You need to meet certain requirements to qualify for an individual support plan when it becomes available in the area where you live.

Eligibility requirements include a participant must have a permanent disability that significantly affects their ability to take part in everyday activities. 

1.You need to be aged less than 65 when you first access the scheme.

2. You must also be an Australian citizen, live in Australia and hold a permanent visa or a Protected Special Category Visa.

The NDIS will fund reasonable and necessary supports that help participants achieve their goals.

This may include:

  •  Daily personal activities
  • Transport to participate in community, social, economic and daily life activities
  • Workplace help so a participant can successfully gain or keep employment
  • Therapeutic supports including behaviour support
  •  Help with household tasks
  • Help from a person skilled in aids or equipment assessment, set up and training.
  •  Home modification design and installation, mobility equipment, vehicle modifications.

We have staff who are experts in the planning process. They can provide advice to assist you to make the most of your plan.

The NDIA has prepared the NDIS Planning Workbook, which can be found on the NDIS website:

The NDIS acknowledges that families and carers need support so the person with disability has the support they require and family and carers can live their lives.

This may mean:

  • additional support at times when family or carers are at work
  • ‘respite’ for the person, where they can undertake activities independently of family
  • building capacity to ensure the person’s needs reduce over time, or 
  • provision of equipment or technology that increases independence and reduces reliance on others.

NDIS plans focus on the whole of life support a person requires, this includes maximising outcomes for the person, their family and carers.



As a carer of a person with disability, you may have a role in the NDIS eligibility, preparation and implementation processes; whether it be a support role or managing the process on behalf of the person you care for, if they are unable to do this themselves.

With a focus on support for individuals as well as care arrangements, carers may also benefit from the NDIS in many ways. The NDIS identifies and measures outcomes for families and carers as well as for people with disability.

Under the NDIS, people with disability may receive support to engage in their community and pursue their goals independently of their family or carers, providing a break for both the carers and the person with disability.

While people with disability have the opportunity to access the support they need for increased independence to pursue goals, carers and families will have greater independence too, and the chance to take a break.



The NDIS is designed to empower adults and children with disability to work towards their goals, to identify the disability related support they need to meet their goals, and to choose where they would like to buy their supports.

NDIS supports are funded to:

  • help a child to reach their goals
  • enable participation in the community (social and economic), and
  • increase a child’s independence.

The NDIS has developed the Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) approach to assist children 0-6 years of age with developmental delay or disability. The ECEI approach is a tried and tested method and acknowledges that children have special needs that require different support to adults.

For children aged 7-18, the NDIS also supports those with diagnosed disability.

The NDIS is responsible for providing the funding and making the rules about the new way of providing disability support in Australia. The NDIA is the National Disability Insurance Agency. They are the people who will work with you to access the support your child needs if they are eligible for the NDIS.

Do you have a question that we have not answered above?

Head office address:

13/10 Craigieburn Road, Craigieburn Plaza, VIC 3064, Australia

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